Demi Morrison:
I am a third year drama student at Lincoln University. Female. There is not really much I can say about myself. I’m prepared to push myself for my art… (and hopefully a good grade =]). I do NOT like Shakespeare. (I know…. Shock Horror!) A Drama degree is not as ‘easy’ or ‘useless’ as many argue it is. I love my course. I love that you are reading this right now. Please look around the blog and the documentation of our process from devising to performance.
Leanne McKettrick:

I like drama, pandas and cuddling people.
I think that pretty much says it all about me as a person really 🙂
Jessica Smith:
I love drama and I believe that life is what you make it… If you put in hard work then you get rewarded… However, I also believe that ‘all work, and no play ‘ is not the way. Everybody deserves to have some fun!!!
Jordan Tallis:
Hey, nice to know you are now reading my little introduction, if you’ve just decided to stop reading, well, you can’t because we all know you are eager to find out all about me. The names Jordan. Studying at the University of Lincoln. If there’s anything you need to know, its that I love all forms of performing art. It completes me. And hopefully, reading our blog, might just complete you.